Error Codes

HTTP Status Codes

The API attempts to return appropriate HTTP status codes for every request.

Code Text Description
200 OK Success
304 Not Modified There was no new data to return.
301 Moved Permanently There was no new data to return.
400 Bad Request The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served
401 Bad Request Invalid Auth key
404 Bad Request Requested api is down.
500 Bad Request Internal server error.
API Status Codes

Description of the Api specific errors codes.

Code Text Description
32 Could not authenticate you Your call could not be completed as dialed
34 Sorry, that page does not exist Corresponds with an HTTP 404 - the specified resource was not found.
35 The funds are not sufficient in the account Corresponds with an HTTP 404 - Please try later!
36 Sorry, the unique code generation is getting failed Corresponds with an HTTP 404 - Please try again, Unique code generation failed
37 Validation Failed Corresponds with an HTTP 400 - order_timestamp is required!
38 Validation Failed Corresponds with an HTTP 400 - order_total is required!
39 Validation Failed Corresponds with an HTTP 400 - order_items (Count) is required!
40 Validation Failed Corresponds with an HTTP 400 - line_items is required!
41 Order failed Corresponds with an HTTP 404 - Plase try to place your order again! something went wrong
42 Order failed Corresponds with an HTTP 404 - Invalid SKU
43 Enter Valid Input Mobile Number Is Missing
44 Order failed Voucher Code Not Available
45 Order failed Campgain Expried
46 Order failed Voucher Code Redeemed